Our school purpose is to provide a quality meaningful education within a safe and supportive learning environment. With a further focus on high performance and effective leadership, it is the goal of the school to prepare all learners to be successful on their journey through life.
The current P-6 enrolment at Stafford is around 275 students. We are an ideal size school, big enough to have excellent resources, yet small enough that all children and families are well known to staff and the broader school community.
Students are from a broad range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. We are very proud of our learning community which celebrates tolerance and diversity. The school caters for increasing numbers of students who have English as a second language. We also have twelve hearing impaired students that find significant success within the mainstream and special education classes.
Stafford State School has access to a range of excellent facilities including a school hall, swimming pool, three playgrounds, art room, music room, drop-off zone, tennis/netball court and a huge oval. We are physically one of the largest primary schools in Brisbane.
The school uniform is worn with pride. The Stafford State School dress code (PDF, 328KB)was collaboratively developed by students, parents and staff and is fully endorsed by the P and C Association and the School Council.
An Outside School Hours Care program provides before and after school care for students on site.
If you would like to know more, make an appointment at the
school office for the Principal to give you a personalised tour.